Krav Maga (contact combat in Hebrew) is a practical and tactical system that teaches how to prevent, deal and overcome all kinds of violence and attacks. This Self Defence system prepares the trainees in the subjects of self-defence, self protection, fighting and combat skills, as well as skills to defend others, all in unique and comprehensive teachings and way. Krav Maga was developed in Israel, under realistic demands and conditions. Krav Maga is a unique system with a logical and intuitive approach. It is easy to learn and retain, is performed naturally, and can be used easily in practice under stressful conditions.
Krav-Maga involves:
- The life-saving ability to defend yourself and your loved ones
- Prevention, avoidance, escape and evasion.
- Dealing with throws and falls to all directions and angles.
- Attacks and counterattacks, performed to all targets, distances, ranges, heights, angles, directions and in all rhythms. Executed from all positions and postures. Use of all sorts of common objects for defensive purposes.
- Defending all unarmed attacks: punches, strikes and kicks. Releases from all sorts of grabs and holds. Defending all armed attacks and threats of knife and sharp objects; of sticks bars and other blunt objects; of all kind of firearms.
- Dealing with the above attacks when sent from all possible directions and places; When are performed by a single or multiple attackers; When occur in all possible places, positions and postures. Including in confined or open areas; in an ally, staircase, car; On all types of grounds; In water; When free or in limited space of movement; While standing, on the move, sitting down, laying down on the back, side or facing down.
- Physical and mental control and disarm.
- KM prepares the trainees to function in all circumstances and scenarios, in all combat and fighting environments, according to their needs, risks they are facing and job descriptions. KM enables and brings technical, tactical, physical and mental growth and improvements.
The Krav Maga system of self defence was founded and developed by Imi Lichtenfeld (Sde-Or). It continues to advance and adapt under the expert guidance of Eyal Yanilov, with the assistance of expert instructors that study with him.