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Paul Harding hit by reality

Hit by Reality

This blog started has a facebook post but I’ve got carried on and decided to create a Blog post instead.
Back in 2012 I’ve received a very particular phone call from someone that wanted to be a bodyguard.
This guy changed jobs and moved from Cambridge to Southampton so he could train with me and pursue his dream. Within 6 months he was training 3 times a week and never missed a training session. This guy had a big problem, EGO, there was no way he could go anywhere or reach his dreams with the attitude.

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Krav Maga Airplane Hijack


After last Years success and high demand for this workshop, Total Krav Maga and No Fear Academy joined forces again to bring you another Disruptive Passenger & Hijack Krav Maga Training Workshop.


Nick Maison Expert 3
Jose Silva Graduate 5

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Ways you never knew Krav Maga could help you

Throughout my Krav Maga training I’ve began to realize that Krav Maga can help you in so many ways. Obviously, as a self-defence system it can save your life and I could spend hours explaining techniques to you, but in this article I’m going to explain a few ways that Krav Maga can help you, sometimes without you even realizing it.

I’ll start with what I consider to be the more obvious things, and then look at the more complex ways it can help you.

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No Fear Academy is expanding!

With the high demand of our Self Defence Krav Maga classes, No Fear Academy is expanding.

We are very please to announce the launch of No Fear Academy classes in Salisbury at the Hampton Park Pavillion on the 16th of February 2015 under the watchfull eye of our NFA Instructor Adam Holmes.

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